ruok® replacement IVR
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interactive voice response

senior calling care

CARE Call Answering System

IMOK Care Phone Call Database Systems Corp. (DSC) provides an automatic community calling program called CARE (Call Reassurance) that calls seniors and children at home. The CARE PRO system option includes an IVR that can answer phone calls automatically, processing caller requests without the need for an operator.

What Is An IVR?

    "Interactive voice response, also referred to as (IVR) is a computerized phone system that allows a telephone caller to select an option from a voice menu to interface with a computer phone system. An IVR system (IVRS) often plays pre-recorded voice prompts and the caller presses a number on a telephone keypad to select the option numbers to respond to the voice prompts."
IVR software is embedded within the CARE calling system when processsing responses from the CARE recipient. But the IVR can also be used for several other functions within the CARE system.

IVR Phone The CARE Interactive Voice Response IVR automatically answers phone calls and acknowledge that a senior has called and is OK. This feature is called the CARE "I'm OK" option. This I'm OK feature of CARE reverses the traditional calling process. Seniors can now call an automated phone answering system on a daily basis which can use the Caller ID to identify the senior. If the senior calls from a different phone, the CARE system prompts them to enter their phone number.

Seniors or Latchkey children and their family members can also use the IVR software feature of CARE to automatically suspend and restart service without having to speak with a CARE center administrator. This provides a 24 hour answering service for the CARE center and gives CARE recipients a much more flexible service.

Other features include the ability for CARE recipients to change their calling schedules (dates and times) by phone. Likewise, if a CARE alert is generated, the IVR can accept calls from CARE contacts that the senior or child is OK, eliminating the need to dispatch a police officer to check on the CARE subscriber.

Contact DSC to learn more about our CARE phone systems that include our automatic call answering feature.

CARE IVR Features

The following interactive voice response features are included or options within the CARE phone system:

  • Process CARE recipient phone key responses
  • Acknowledge CARE I'm OK senior check in
  • Change CARE service scheduled dates and times
  • Suspend CARE service and restart service
  • Enroll in CARE program
  • Leave message for CARE administrator
  • Provide CARE alert status disposition

CARE Demonstration

Your CARE phone reassurance program can be managed online. The following is an example of how to use our CARE telephone reassurance system.

This demonstration shows how CARE recipients are added to our system for calling and how a CARE system administrator can monitor the ongoing operation of our phone reassurance system.

Additional CARE Information

Contact DSC to learn more about our CARE call reassurance solutions that utilize IVR services and IVR systems.