eCARE care giver
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eCARE For Care Givers
Telephone Reassurance Calling Service

eCARE Care Giver Services Since 1978, Database Systems Corp. (DSC) has been providing technology and software for thousands of clients including our U.S. Military as well as law enforcement, senior community organizations and both public and private care giving organizations throughout the country.

DSC provides a calling service for care givers called eCARE. This online service is a calling program that contacts senior citizens at home to ensure they are OK. This service is ideally suited for care giving organizations that manage the needs of senior citizens who live at home.

Care giving organizations as well as senior community groups and police and sheriff's organizations can benefit from this service. Instead of managing computer systems, modems and telephone lines, administrators can focus on the enrollment and management of seniors within the community. Administration can be performed on any device that has internet access from virtually any location.

Senior citizens can enroll into this program through local community organizations. Enrollment is easy, yet it provides the senior with flexible calling schedules and multiple contacts in the event of an emergency. Rather than using a dedicated phone line attached to your computer, eCARE calls are made from a bank of phone lines maintained at our call center. Considering the cost of today's phone lines, several seniors could be called with just that savings alone.

  • No phone line(s) or monthly phone bills.
  • No software licensing or maintenance.
  • No computer and telecom that needs to be purchased and maintained.

eCARE Is An Online Service. This important calling service utilizes our computer phone systems and software to place calls to seniors living at home alone. The senior is instructed to acknowledge the call using the "Press 1" option on the phone keypad.

The senior can also call our 800 number and check in using our I'M OK eCARE feature. If the call is not answered or the senior does not acknowledge the call, an alert sequence is initiated that calls or emails family or friends of the senior. If the senior has no one to check in on them, the calls and alerts can be sent to the eCARE enrollment center.

eCARE Video

Create Your eCARE Account

You can create and manage your eCARE account for free using our online registration process. With this account, you can enroll seniors and other community members using various different profiles:

Click on the Create eCARE Account link below.

Enter your care giver organization's name, a valid email address along with your own password, and we will establish your eCARE account. eCARE can now be used as your primary calling program for seniors in your community or can be a backup to any other system that is currently making these calls. eCARE is a pay-as-you-go service and you only pay for the calls that we make.

You can now login and begin enrolling seniors under your care. For information about how to enroll your seniors, visit our eCARE Registration Info web page. Once you fund your account with a minimum of $25, eCARE will begin calling your activated enrollees according to the dates and times you establish for each senior.

Contact DSC to learn more about our eCARE telephone reassurance services.

Caregivers For Independence

care givers eCARE provider

"Our Mission is to provide optimal services for the idividual needs, goals and personalities. We choose to focus on dividuals "abilities" while respecting the "disability" and encourage as well as promote independence for the best quality home care and day abilitation while giving support to the individual to reach their own personall goals for independence." -

Caregivers For Independence provides its senior citizens with eCARE telephone reassurance service from DSC. Seniors who are supported by the Caregivers For Independence can be called daily to ensure their well-being and to remind them to take their medications.

How Does eCARE Work?

In the past, telephone reassurance programs were operated by having volunteers making calls. Some communities purchased computer phone systems that operated from within a community service office, with a computer system connected to a analog telephone line through a modem or telephony card. The computer is usually maintained in a busy office, and in many instances, this environment is not ideal for this technology.

eCARE eliminates the need to maintain a computer with a phone line and communications equipment. All that is needed is a laptop or mobile device connected to the internet and your organization can provide the same service to your seniors. No more outage when you lose power. No more phone issues or computer management and maintenance problems.

DSC maintains a remote data center that is ideal for this type of calling program. With multiple phone systems, hundreds of digital phone lines, and redundant power and telecommunications, DSC provides a 24/7 operating environment. Using this secure data and calling center, DSC provides calling programs for both private and public organizations, as well as our CARE Service that is provided to individual subscribers to our services.

Using Our eCARE Service Is Easy And Affordable!

  • Register your organization online with our secure signin web portal.
  • Enroll your seniors with our easy to use online enrollment.
  • Manage these senior profiles including calling times and vacation schedules online.
  • View the call history for each enrolled senior.
  • Manage contact lists using email, phone or website alerts.

What Does It Cost?

  • Signup cost is $25, which is also applied to your enrollee monthly fee.
  • $9.95 (per month) charged for each enrollee daily call.
  • $4.00 (per month) charged for each additional daily call.
  • Manage your account by funding the service online.
  • No long term contract required. This is a pay-as-you go service.
  • If an enrollee stops service, you are no longer charged the monthly fee.

What Happens If You Grow And Need Your Own System?

DSC recognizes that if your enrollment grows significantly, it becomes more economical to maintain your own system. Since DSC provides a state-of-the-art CARE Phone System, we can provide you this solution with all of your enrollee information already maintained in your database. Contact us to get a quote for your own system.

Contact DSC to learn more about our eCARE telephone reassurance services.

eCARE Calling Service Features

Our eCARE calling service includes the following features.

  • No computers or phone lines are required!
  • eCARE calls are placed by computers located in our call center
  • eCARE can be managed using any internet device including laptops, iPADs or mobile devices
  • eCARE calls seniors ensuring they are OK
  • I'M OK feature accepts calls from seniors letting you know they are OK
  • eCARE seniors use phone keypad to respond
  • eCARE calls can be placed at designated times with an eCARE Administration scheduler
  • eCARE service can detect answering machines and distinguishes the difference between live answers and machines
  • Calls can be repeated several times before notifying response center or family member
  • Response center or private individuals can be automatically alerted when No Answer determined
  • Service provided on a network of phone systems for large volume calling
  • Responders can be notified by call, email, or other electronic methods
  • Online call reports available giving status of each call

eCARE Program Demonstration

Manage your eCARE phone reassurance program online. The following is an example of how to use our eCARE telephone Reassurance service.

This demonstration shows how eCARE call recipients are added to our system for calling and how an eCARE system administrator can monitor the ongoing operation of our phone reassurance system.

To view this demonstration, click the graphic above.

eCARE Information

Contact DSC to learn more about our eCARE call reassurance services.